Tesso Nilo National Park

Purchase sustainably harvested honey from sialang honey trees at Lubuk Kemgang Bunga, a small village near the park, or at WWF headquarters in Pekanbaru.

You may also purchase the honey directly from the WWF web site.


Camping in the park's backcountry can be arranged for as many days as one might wish.


Trips into the backcountry with a guide, who has guided professional biologists and others on extensive treks, may be arranged.


The only lodging in the park is the central ranger station.

Kerinci Pelalawan, the town with the park headquarters, has a number of hotels, including the Hotel Melanti where we got a room with a double bed, cable TV and air conditioning for 150,000 rupiah per night. They also have laundry service, but it is very expensive.